Agricultural Credit Agricultural Finance Agroforestry Barley Blu-Green Algae and Rice Breeding of Field Crops (Cereals) Castor Communication in Agriculture Concepts of Rainfed Agriculture Conservation and Management of Soil and Water resources Conservation Tillage Cotton Crop Diseases and their Management Crops for Fodder: Fodder Sorghum (Jowar), Maize (Fodder), Pearl Millet (Bajra) (Fodder), Cowpea, Clusterbean (Guar), Guinea Grass, Napier X Bajra Hybrid (Nbh) Cultivation of Hybrid Papya & Post Harvest Handling Diffusion and Adoption of Agricultural Innovations Drainage Elements of Genetics 8MB Farming Systems Farm Record Maintenance and Cost Analysis French Bean Gram Insect Pests and their Management Integrated Crop Management Introduction to Agriculture Extension Introduction to Herbicides Introduction to Plant Biotechnology Introduction to Weed Management Introductory Plant Pathology Irrigation Methods Irrigation Water Resources Jatropha Jute Lentil Linseed Lucerne/...