

   Agricultural Credit Agricultural Finance Agroforestry Barley Blu-Green Algae and Rice Breeding of Field Crops (Cereals) Castor Communication in Agriculture Concepts of Rainfed Agriculture Conservation and Management of Soil and Water resources Conservation Tillage Cotton Crop Diseases and their Management Crops for Fodder: Fodder Sorghum (Jowar), Maize (Fodder), Pearl Millet (Bajra) (Fodder), Cowpea, Clusterbean (Guar), Guinea Grass, Napier X Bajra Hybrid (Nbh) Cultivation of Hybrid Papya & Post Harvest Handling Diffusion and Adoption of Agricultural Innovations Drainage Elements of Genetics 8MB Farming Systems Farm Record Maintenance and Cost Analysis French Bean Gram Insect Pests and their Management Integrated Crop Management Introduction to Agriculture Extension Introduction to Herbicides Introduction to Plant Biotechnology Introduction to Weed Management Introductory Plant Pathology Irrigation Methods Irrigation Water Resources Jatropha Jute Lentil Linseed Lucerne/...


    CROP PRODUCTION Agronomy AGRO101 - Principles of Agronomy and Agricultural Meteorology AGRO102 - Introductory Agriculture AGRO103 - Water management including micro irrigation AGRO202 - Practical crop production I & II AGRO301 - Field Crops I AGRO302 - Field Crops II AGRO304 - Weed Management Horticulture HORT181 - Production technology of fruit crops HORT281 - Production technology of Vegetables and flowers HORT282 - Production tech. of Spices, Aromatic, Medicinal &Plantation crops HORT381 - Post Harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits &Vegetables Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry SSAC121 - Introduction to Soil Science SSAC122 - Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management SSAC222 - Manures, Fertilizers and Agrochemicals CROP PROTECTION Entomology ENTO231 - Insect Morphology and Systamatics ENTO232 - Insect Ecology & IPM including beneficial insects ENTO331 - Crop Pests and Stored Grain Pests and their Management Plant Breeding ...

Agriculture Semester 6 notes

   Semester Six B.Sc. [HONS] Agriculture AGRO 3611 Practical Crop Production-II [Rabi Crops] SYLLABUS AGRO 3612 Geo-Informatics and Nano-Technology and Precision Farming SYLLABUS STUDY MATERIAL (Tiwsa) STUDY MATERIAL (Nashik) STUDY MATERIAL HAND WRITTEN HAND WRITTEN OBJECTIVES (talsande) AHDS 364 Sheep Goat and Poultry Production SYLLABUS STUDY MATERIAL new WRITTEN NOTES ECON 365 Farm Management, Production and Resource Economics SYLLABUS STUDY MATERIAL HAND WRITTEN MODEL ANSWERS ENGG 364 Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture SYLLABUS STUDY MATERIAL 1.0 STUDY MATERIAL 2.0 STUDY MATERIAL 3.0 HAND WRITTEN LEC 1 | LEC 2 | LEC 3 | LEC 4 | LEC 5 OBJECTIVES (topic-wise) PRACTICAL MANUAL (new) ENTO 365 Management Of Beneficial Insects SYLLABUS STUDY MATERIAL STUDY MATERIAL STUDY MATERIAL STUDY MATERIAL (new) HAND WRITTEN PRACTICAL MANUAL (new) FST 362 Principles Of Food Science and Nutrition SYLLABUS NOTES (KHYATI) STUDY MATERIAL COMBINED PPT's STUDY MATERIA...